
Maintain websites and create content

The Websites Team maintains pages like This Week in GNOME, Apps for GNOME, and many more. You can find an overview of all websites on our team page. The websites team is supported by the work of the design and infrastructure teams.

Webseiten übersetzen

Some of our websites are translated into different languages. You can find the translations in the Infrastructure category.

Probleme melden

Oftentimes a website has a link to its repository at the bottom of the page. If you can’t figure out the correct place to report an issue you can check the Website Team’s page for the respective website. This page also gives you a place to report issues without knowing the correct website or for more general issues.

An Webseiten arbeiten

The work on websites highly differs from website to website. For getting started it is a good idea to resist the temptation to redesign a whole website or even the whole of all websites. Instead, you can check the team’s issue tracker for open issues. You can also check what website suits you technology wise: While some websites are written in Sphinx, Jekyll, or plain HTML, others are based on more complex Rust code.

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