Symbolic Icons
The GNOME symbolic icons are a simple monochrome icon set designed to work well at smaller sizes. They are defined by 16×16 pixel grid and as vector icons they can be scaled to multiples of 16 (such as 32×32, 64×64, 96×96, etc.).
Like fonts, the symbolic icons are designed to be neutral in color although their color can be changed programmatically.
The following icons are selected to be downloaded as 16×16 SVG
All Icons
Go to top- encode2
- decode2
- video-decode
- video-encode
- mouse-power
- mouse-power2
- mouse-power3
- mouse-power4
- camera-photo-2
- network-cellular-5g
- network-cellular-3g
- network-cellular-hspa
- network-cellular-edge
- mic-1
- mic-5
- mic-2
- mic-3
- mic-4
- mic-none
- bluetooth
- bluetooth-2
- bluetooth-x
- bluetooth-none
- bluetooth-dots
- waves-7
- radiowaves-2
- radiowaves-3
- radiowaves-1
- radiowaves-5
- radiowaves-none
- radiowaves-question-mark
- radiowaves-dots
- radiowaves-6
- radiowaves-4
- interlinked-rectangles
- strength-bars-1
- strength-nars-2
- strength-bars-3
- strength-bars-4
- strength-bars-5
- strength-bars-6
- strength-bars-none
- strength-bars-question-mark
- strength-bars-dots
- wired-lock-question-mark
- wired-lock-open
- wired-lock-closed
- wired-lock-none
- wired-lock-dots
- plug-dots
- speaker-3
- speaker-2
- speaker-1
- speaker-0
- battery-level-100
- battery-level-90
- battery-level-80
- battery-level-70
- battery-level-60
- battery-level-50
- battery-level-40
- battery-level-30
- battery-low
- battery-action
- battery-caution
- battery-missing
- battery-level-0-charging
- battery-level-100-charged
- speedometer-low
- speedometer-medium
- speedometer-high
- connected-squares-x
- headphone-arrow-out
- headphone-arrow-in
- up-arrow-in-a-star
- connected-squares-dots
- connected-squares-question-mark
- speaker-4
- folder-visiting
- folder-drag-accept
- horizontal-arrows-long-question-mark
- horizontal-arrows-long-x
- view-wrapped
- sad-computer
- sim-lock
- sim-question-mark
- content-loading
- network-cellular-gprs
- triangular-antenna
- strength-bars-7
- sun-with-moon
- sun-with-moon-none
- folder-open
- waves-and-screen
- fog
- windy
- rain
- tornado
- fire
- fire2
- sun-outline
- moon-outline
- clouds-outline
- rain-scattered-outline
- storm-outline
- snow-outline
- few-clouds-outline
- moon-clouds-outline
- snow
- daytime-sunrise
- daytime-sunset
- rain-outline
- screenshooter
- edit-select-all
- edit-select-none
- selection-opaque
- selection
- window
- display
- object-layout
- object-packing
- general-properties
- drag-n-drop
- resize-mode
- tag
- break-point
- size-vertically
- size-left
- size-right
- dock-left
- step-in
- step-out
- step-over
- execute-to
- execute-from
- test
- test-pass
- playback
- size-horizontally
- dock-right
- dock-bottom
- dock-top
- step-back
- entry-clear
- keyboard-shift
- keyboard-caps-lock
- keyboard-shift-filled
- keyboard-caps-lock-filled
- keyboard-option
- keyboard-caps-lock-wide-filled
- keyboard-caps-lock-wide
- keyboard-retract
- keyboard-extend
- list-compact
- columns
- edit-select-all
- view-columns
- shell
- container-terminal
- keyboard-enter
- keyboard-layout-filled
- keyboard-layout
- keyboard-hide
- funnel
- funnel-outline
- window-grow
- window-shrink
- paper-plane
- resources
- table
- phosh
- share
- share-alt
- dark-mode
- portal
- controls
- controls-big
- list
- tab
- grid
- grid-large
- grid-filled
- carousel
- flap
- leaflet
- view-switcher
- deck
- dialog
- window-flat
- window-scrolling
- spring
- toolbars
- menu
- menu-large
- tab-new
- tab-new-filled
- tab-new-large
- pip-out
- pip-in
- chain-link
- chain-link-loose
- multitasking-windows
- pin
- arrow-into-box
- rotation-lock
- rotation-lock-disabled
- record-screen
- screencast-recorded
- background-app
- background-app-rectangular
- background-app-sleepyface
- permissions-generic
- background-app-ghost
- screenshot-recorded
- multitasking
- move-to-window
- overlapping-windows
- shell-overview
- banner
- selection-opaque-2
- selection-opaque-3
- tabs-stack
- screenshot-portrait
- list-high-priority
- list-low-priority
- tag-outline
- tag-outline-add
- clipboard
- cut
- copy
- edit-find
- search-folder
- search-global
- search-computer
- edit
- error-correct
- edit-find-replace
- entry-clear-outline
- fullscreen-rectangular
- unfullscreen-rectangular
- fullscreen-square
- unfullscreen-square
- external-link
- search-harddrive
- log-out
- toggle-group
- insert-link
- insert-text
- turn-off
- pocket-knife
- metronome
- stopwatch
- clock
- clock-alt
- timer
- alarm
- week
- month
- year
- year-alt
- today
- hourglass
- snapshots-alt
- timer-sand
- playback-speed
- today-alt
- today-alt
- work-week
- history-undo
- delay
- delay-small
- delay-long
- delay-extreme
- delay-long-small
- delay-extreme-small
- appointment
- text-indent-less
- text-justify-fill
- text-justify-center
- text-justify-left
- text-justify-right
- text-indent-more
- text-bold
- text-underline
- text-strikethrough
- text-italic
- text-direction-rtl
- text-direction-ltr
- text-squiggly
- quotation
- uppercase
- translate
- language
- plus-circle-filled
- plus-square-filled
- plus-square-outline
- plus-circle-outline
- plus-large-square-outline
- plus-large-circle-outline
- plus
- cross-large-square-filled
- star-outline-thin
- star-outline-thick
- star-filled
- stacked-plates
- cloud-filled
- cloud-outline-thin
- circle-filled
- circle-outline-thick
- circle-outline-thin
- checkmark
- checkmark-small
- square-filled
- square-outline-thick
- square-outline-thin
- heart-filled
- heart-broken
- heart-outline-thick
- heart-outline-thin
- cloud-outline-thick
- diamond-outline-thick
- diamond-filled
- diamond-outline-thin
- flag-filled
- flag-outline-thin
- flag-outline-thick
- shapes
- star-filled-rounded
- star-large
- box-dotted
- minus
- minus-large
- plus-large
- list
- list-large
- cross-small
- cross-small-circle-filled
- cross-large
- positive-feedback
- cloud-disabled
- moon-filled
- minus-large-circle-filled
- plus-large-circle
- minus-large-square
- plus-large-square
- dot
- big-dot
- star-outline-half-left
- star-outline-rounded
- star-outline-half-right
- shapes-large
- bookmark-outline
- bookmark-filled
- cross-large-circle-filled
- cross-small-circle-outline
- cross-large-circle-outline
- cross-small-square-filled
- cross-small-square-outline
- cross-large-square-outline
- box-outline
- box-small-outline
- minus-circle-filled
- minus-square-filled
- minus-square-outline
- minus-circle-outline
- minus-large-square-outline
- minus-large-circle-outline
- shape-balance
- dictionary
- editor
- trophy
- scroll
- roll-vertical
- papyrus
- scroll-on-a-roll
- roll
- papyrus-vertical
- settings
- spinner
- drawer
- file-cabinet
- phone-vibrate
- audio-x-generic
- newspaper
- font-x-generic
- notepad
- open-book
- shield-safe
- shield-danger
- shield-outline
- shield-full
- shield-half
- shield-warning
- library
- crossword-clue-across
- crossword-clue-down
- hotel-tag-outline
- bell-outline
- bell-outline-none
- score
- game-controller-vibrate
- game-controller2-vibrate
- lan
- vpn-caps
- vpn-caps-disabled
- encode
- decode
- video-encoder
- video-decode
- play
- playlist2
- library-music
- music-artist
- music-artist2
- library-artists
- music-queue
- playlist
- skip-backwards-10
- skip-forward-10
- podcast
- subtitles2
- skip-backwards-30
- skip-forward-30
- play-large
- pause-large
- pause
- stop
- stop-large
- playback-error
- broken-camera-inverse
- camera-broken
- camera-static
- camera-static-inverse
- camera-dead
- audio-only
- window-sound-source
- broken-video
- broken-playback
- eject
- eject-large
- play-large-disabled
- playback-options
- encoder-knob
- sound
- no-sound
- listen
- video-clip
- skip-backward-large
- skip-forward-large
- seek-backward-large
- seek-forward-large
- video-reel
- video-reel2
- skip-backward-large
- skip-forward-large
- seek-forward
- seek-backward
- playlist-repeat
- playlist-repeat-song
- playlist-consecutive
- playlist-shuffle
- playlist-infinite
- loop-arrow
- music-note-outline
- music-note-single-outline
- music-note
- music-note-single
- arrows-loop-tall
- arrows-loop-tall-disabled
- sentiment-satisfied
- sentiment-dissatisfied
- sentiment-neutral
- sentiment-very-satisfied
- sentiment-very-dissatisfied
- lock-small
- lock-small-open
- globe-small
- pencil-and-paper-small
- mail-small
- important-small
- error-small
- success-small
- stop-small
- mail-closed-small
- pin-small
- more-small
- parking-sign
- fuel
- graveyard
- bench
- post-box
- school
- walking3
- walking2
- bus
- police-badge
- pin-location
- flying
- hospital-sign
- hospital
- bed
- building
- globe
- globe-alt
- mountain
- drone
- map
- discover
- explore
- compass
- explore2
- compass
- compass-alt
- compass-wind
- toilets
- no-toilets
- no-flying
- restaurant
- city
- town
- museum
- map-marker
- map-marker-small
- map-marker-none
- offline-globe
- earth
- no-bed
- explore2-large
- globe-alt2
- briefcase
- flying2
- driving
- toilets2
- no-toilets2
- health-emergency
- ambulance
- fire2
- police-badge2
- firefighter
- rescue
- cycling
- walking
- ferry
- gondola
- subway
- train
- steam-train
- tram
- cablecar
- funicular
- distance
- compass2
- navigate
- navigate-north
- navigate-east
- navigate-south
- navigate-west
- navigate-north-east
- navigate-south-east
- navigate-north-west
- navigate-south-west
- train-load-high
- train-load-veryhigh
- train-load-extreme
- non-religious-cemetary
- pharmacy
- bicycle-parking
- drinking-fountain
- recycling-bin
- football
- non-emergency-healthcare
- dentist
- barber
- doctor
- icecream-cone
- icecream
- traffic-lights
- gate
- shop
- clothing-store
- running
- trolley-bus
- monorail
- taxi
- playground
- playground2
- playground3
- chat-bubbles-empty
- chat-bubble-empty
- chat-bubble-text
- chat-bubbles-text
- chat-bubbles-empty-inverted
- chat-bubble-text-inverted
- chat-bubbles-text-inverted
- mailbox
- stamp
- inbox
- outbox
- send
- junk
- not-junk
- mail-secure
- mail-archive
- junk-alt
- not-junk-alt
- send-alt
- address-book-alt
- address-book
- mail-archive
- mail-unread
- mail-read
- mail-attachment
- mail-replied
- chat
- chat-none
- online
- signature
- signature-bad
- task
- task-recurring
- task-assigned
- task-assigned-to
- shoe-box
- vcard
- vcal
- chat-bubble-exclamation-point
- mail-send
- line-intersect
- airbrush-tool
- move-tool
- loupe
- draw-text
- select
- path-tool
- heal
- blend-tool
- scale
- rotate
- fill-tool
- ink-tool
- crop
- drop-hollow
- opacity
- invert-colors
- panorama-horizontal
- panorama-vertical
- panorama-360
- image-adjust-exposure
- center-on-page-vertical
- image-adjust-shadows
- image-adjust-brightness
- image-adjust-contrast
- image-adjust-highlights
- pipette
- magic-wand
- eraser
- cage
- scissors
- color
- blur
- smudge-finger
- shear
- align-tool
- paintbrush
- pencil
- marker
- mark
- note
- annotation-sidebar
- note2
- color-picker
- checkerboard-big
- larger-brush
- brush
- large-brush
- eraser2
- brush-monitor
- hig
- blur-alt
- group
- attach-audio
- detach-audio
- function-linear
- function-parable
- function-parable-horizontal
- function-third-order
- function-third-order-horizontal
- axes-four-quadrants
- axes-four-quadrants
- axes-one-quadrant
- function-exponential
- loupe-large
- checkerboard
- transparent-background
- eraser3
- eraser4
- loupe-with-heart
- loupe-with-arrow
- text-insert
- text-insert2
- loupe-plus-large
- loupe-minus-large
- wrench-wide
- eraser5
- path-erase-split
- path-erase-delete
- path-erase-split2
- graph
- graph2
- app-icon-design
- axis-log-horizontal
- axis-log-vertical
- integral
- integral2
- integral3
- derivative
- derivative2
- shift
- normalize
- smoothen
- center
- fast-fourier-transform
- inverse-fast-fourier-transform
- transform
- center-on-page-horizontal
- object-scale-1to1
- object-scale-to-fit
- loupe-plus
- approximate
- ruler-end-horizontal-left
- ruler-end-vertical-top
- ruler-end-vertical-bottom
- ruler-end-horizontal-right
- ruler-outline-horizontal
- ruler-angled
- ruler-corner
- ruler-outline-vertical
- draw-rectangle
- draw-square
- draw-rectangle2
- draw-circle
- draw-oval2
- draw-oval
- draw-arc
- draw-line
- circle-anchor-center
- square-center-anchor
- rectangle-center-anchor
- rectangle-center-anchor2
- oval-center-anchor
- oval-center-anchor2
- ungroup
- line-join
- draw-polyline
- line-extend
- line-trim
- magnet
- magnet-tilted
- tip-pressure-firm
- tip-pressure-soft
- stop-sign-outline
- stop-sign-large-outline
- sound-wave-alt
- sound-wave
- user-trash-full
- user-trash
- readonly
- symbolic-link
- unreadable
- violence
- violence-none
- nudity-none
- nudity
- cigarette-none
- strong-language
- strong-language-none
- money-none
- social-network
- social-network-none
- cigarette
- violence3
- violence3-none
- resources
- check-round-outline2
- check-plain
- check-round-outline
- power
- lightbulb
- empty-trash
- empty-trash-bin
- verified-checkmark
- info-outline
- container
- container3
- container4
- warning-outline
- question-outline
- question-round-outline
- error-outline
- stop-sign-large
- stop-sign-outline
- circle-crossed
- pepper
- garlic
- wheat
- egg
- nut
- cocktail
- pub
- cafe
- tea
- fast-food
- soup
- noodles
- bread
- loaf
- wine-glass
- meat
- salami
- fish
- wine-glasses
- cheese-grater
- cake
- birthday
- theater
- meeting
- drinks
- barbecue
- ticket-special
- ticket
- hockey
- golf
- tennis
- christmas
- baseball
- football-american
- anniversary
- bullhorn
- ticket-outline
- ticket-first-class
- ticket-second-class
- arrows-questionmark
- arrow1-right
- arrow1-left
- arrow1-up
- horizontal-arrows
- horizontal-arrows-left
- horizontal-arrows-right
- horizontal-arrows-none
- horizontal-arrows-one-way
- horizontal-arrows-disabled
- box-left
- box-up
- box-down
- page-orientation-portrait
- angled-arrows
- angled-arrows-lock
- box-right
- arrow1-down
- bottom
- top
- first
- last
- down-smaller
- up-smaller
- left-smaller
- right-smaller
- down-large
- up-large
- left-large
- right-large
- bottom-large
- top-large
- first-large
- last-large
- arrow2-right
- arrow2-left
- arrow2-up
- arrow2-down
- arrow1-bottom-right
- arrow1-bottom-left
- arrow1-top-right
- arrow1-top-left
- arrow3-right
- arrow3-left
- arrow3-up
- arrow3-down
- arrow4-right
- arrow4-left
- arrow4-up
- arrow4-down
- page-orientation-landscape
- down
- up
- left
- right
- down-small
- up-small
- left-small
- right-small
- vertical-arrows
- vertical-arrows-long
- arrow2-bottom-right
- arrow2-bottom-left
- arrow2-top-right
- arrow2-top-left
- arrow3-bottom-right
- arrow3-bottom-left
- arrow3-top-right
- arrow3-top-left
- arrow1-bottom-right
- arrow1-bottom-left
- arrow1-top-right
- arrow1-top-left
- vertical-arrows-down
- vertical-arrows-up
- vertical-arrows-none
- horizontal-arrows
- horizontal-arrows-long-left
- horizontal-arrows-long-right
- horizontal-arrows-long-none
- vertical-arrows-long-down
- vertical-arrows-long-up
- vertical-arrows-long-none
- arrow5-right
- arrow5-left
- arrow5-up
- arrow-circular-top-right
- arrow-hook-left-horizontal2
- arrow-turn-right-horizontal2
- arrow-turn-up-left
- rotate-left
- rotate-right
- arrow-hook-right-vertical
- arrow-hook-left-vertical
- arrow5-down
- arrow5-bottom-right
- arrow5-bottom-left
- arrow5-top-right
- arrow5-top-left
- arrow-circular-bottom-right
- arrow-circular-bottom-left
- arrow-circular-small-top-right
- arrow-circular-top-left
- arrow-circular-small-bottom-right
- arrow-circular-small-bottom-left
- update
- arrow-circular-small-top-left
- arrow-hook-left-horizontal
- arrow-hook-right-horizontal
- arrow-turn-up-right
- arrow-turn-left-down
- arrow-turn-right-down
- arrow-turn-down-left
- arrow-turn-down-right
- arrow-turn-left-up
- arrow-turn-right-up
- double-ended-arrows-horizontal
- double-ended-arrows-vertical
- arrow-pointing-at-line-left
- arrow-pointing-at-line-right
- arrow-pointing-at-line-down
- arrow-pointing-at-line-up
- arrow-pointing-away-from-line-right
- arrows-pointing-inward
- arrows-pointing-outward
- arrow-pointing-away-from-line-left
- arrow-pointing-away-from-line-up
- arrow-pointing-away-from-line-down
- four-arrows-pointing-outward
- four-arrows-pointing-inward
- arrows-loop
- arrows-loop-disabled
- mouse-click
- pointer-primary-click
- mouse-wheel-scroll
- bluetooth
- display-brightness-low
- display-brightness-medium
- auto-brightness
- display-brightness-high
- colorimeter-colorhug
- password-entry
- dock
- dock-usb
- auth-otp
- phone-disabled
- mouse-wireless-disabled-filled
- mouse-wireless-disabled
- keyboard-shortcuts
- external-devices
- nintendo-controller
- camera-toggle
- cameras
- gamepad
- gamepad2
- xbox-controller
- electric-car
- ev
- microphone2
- microphone
- file-manager
- wacom
- film-camera
- keyboard
- cd
- touchpad
- scanner
- soundcard
- phone-old
- pda
- multimedia-player
- usb-stick
- headphones
- ipod
- headset
- speakers
- speaker
- speaker-wireless
- computer
- display
- floppy
- flash-memory
- battery
- modem
- pda
- ssd
- drive-optical
- tape
- tv
- ups
- single-display
- thunderbolt
- video-camera
- camera-small
- joined-displays
- monitor-pick
- source-pick
- tablet
- dialpad
- sim
- smartcard
- harddisk
- harddisk-inverted
- raid
- fingerprint2
- phone
- fingerprint
- sonar
- key
- smartphone
- phonelink-delete
- phonelink-lock
- phonelink-ring
- phonelink-setup
- speedometer
- padlock2
- padlock2-open
- screen-privacy
- screen-privacy-disabled
- paper
- speedometer2
- speedometer3
- speedometer4
- flashlight
- flashlight-none
- phonelink
- phonelink-off
- snapshots
- terminal
- remote-terminal
- screen-privacy2
- screen-privacy3
- screen-privacy4
- screen-privacy5
- screen-privacy6
- screen-privacy7
- key-login
- screen-privacy7-disabled
- keyboard2
- keyboard3
- paper-filled
- image-print
- document-text
- rich-text
- puzzle-piece
- image
- image-alt
- bluetooth-none
- no-bluetooth
- dice
- dice2
- dice3
- mouse-wireless
- mouse-wireless-filled
- phone-oldschool
- touchpad-disabled
- image-round
- printer2
- fax
- printer
- pci-card
- application-x-firmware
- image-missing
- item-missing
- bookmark-missing
- display-with-window
- power
- archive
- computer-chip
- server-pick
- firmware-update
- charge
- flatpak
- package-x-generic
- snap
- network-raid
- printer-network
- network-server
- network-workgroup
- folder-remote
- display-projector
- pick-camera
- pick-camera-alt
- pick-camera-alt2
- archive-extract
- extract
- external-display
- film-camera-disabled
- camera-disabled
- camera-photo
- processor
- memory
- thermometer
- security-key
- keyboard-brightness-high
- keyboard-brightness-medium
- keyboard-brightness-off
- keyboard-brightness
- external-display-nointernal
- fingerprint2
- sad-computer
- battery-leaf
- battery-leaf2
- smartphone2
- megaphone
- input-dialpad
- network-computer
- network-proxy
- network-proxy-server
- key2
- key3
- key4
- key5
- speedometer5
- pointer-secondary-click
- mouse-primary-click
- touchpad-primary-click
- touchpad-secondary-click
- mouse-secondary-click
- headphones-muted
- git
- diagnostics
- issue
- code
- C
- regex
- h
- markdown
- configure
- build-alt
- build-configure
- build
- bug
- commit
- branch
- branch-compare-arrows
- pull-request
- pull-request-denied
- pull-request-new
- pull-request-draft
- pull-request-merged
- commit-horizontal
- branch-compare
- branch-fork
- branch-arrow
- branch-deleted
- pull-request-closed
- call-outgoing
- call-incoming
- call-missed
- call-outgoing-unsuccessful
- call-add
- call-made
- call-received
- call-missed-outgoing
- call-merge
- call-split
- call-missed-incoming
- call-ringer-silenced
- emergency-number
- call-ring
- mobile-network
- network-cellular-no-data-signal-excellent
- network-cellular-no-data-signal-good
- network-cellular-no-data-signal-ok
- network-cellular-no-data-signal-weak
- network-cellular-no-data-signal-none
- call-emergency
- phone-ongoing-call
- phone-right-facing
- phone-right-facing-large
- shopping-cart
- coin
- money
- credit-card
- bank
- profit
- money-clip
- wallet
- wallet2
- wallet3
- license-copyright
- license-copyleft
- license-cc
- license
- camera-shutter
- camera-flash
- camera-flash-disabled
- camera-flash-auto
- camera-focus
- camera-iso-alt
- camera-iso
- camera-grid
- qr-code
- qr-code-scanner
- camera-timer
- fingerprint-authentication
- thumbs-up
- eye-open
- eye-closed
- eye-open-negative
- eye-closed-negative
- eye-open-negative-filled
- eye-not-looking
- handshake
- person
- parent
- people
- hand-point-left
- hand-point-horizontal
- hand-fist
- hand-fist-none
- steps
- weight
- weight2
- smile
- feet
- scales-detail
- thumbs-down
- scales
- skull
- hand-touch
- body
- hand-point-left
- hand-middle-finger
- face-unlock
- brain
- brain-augemnted
- hand-openyay
- mitten
- applause
- reaction-add
- reaction-add2
- person-talking
- eye-outline
- eye-outline-filled
- thumbs-up-outline
- thumbs-down-outline
- cow
- penguin
- penguin-alt
- dog
- bug
- cat
- bear
- cat-sleeping
- seal
- tree-triangle
- tree-circle
- tree-rectangle
- sprout
- leaf
- horse
- wheelchair-alt
- low-vision
- tty
- sign-language
- assistive-listening
- deaf
- wheelchair
- closed-captioning
- blind
- wheelchair-limited
- no-wheelchair
- wheelchair-modified-isa
- braille
- closed-captioning-off
- subtitles
- subtitles-off-outline
- not-accessible